Th 1 thng tht occurs to me is, tht frm all th commentary I heard no1 realy gave th Pios th respect they had earned, ths was a Great BC team, & they had a phenomenal season, but so was Denver, & what they did ths yr, & for a long time now, was probly underapreciated go’n in to ths game! It made sense tht BC was a Fave, but I heard Pundits, & people who know th game, Strugglng to see Any advantage tht Dnvr mght have! I’m sure thr team was aware of ths, & I’m sure they didn’t thnk of thmselves as an underdog! & they sure didn’t look like 1! th way they navigated thru ths Trny was impressive! & th play of Davis, wht needs be said, in 4 hrd games, almost 5! vs Realy Gd Tms! 3 Goals! Hard to evn Imagine!
Th 1 thng tht occurs to me is, tht frm all th commentary I heard no1 realy gave th Pios th respect they had earned, ths was a Great BC team, & they had a phenomenal season, but so was Denver, & what they did ths yr, & for a long time now, was probly underapreciated go’n in to ths game! It made sense tht BC was a Fave, but I heard Pundits, & people who know th game, Strugglng to see Any advantage tht Dnvr mght have! I’m sure thr team was aware of ths, & I’m sure they didn’t thnk of thmselves as an underdog! & they sure didn’t look like 1! th way they navigated thru ths Trny was impressive! & th play of Davis, wht needs be said, in 4 hrd games, almost 5! vs Realy Gd Tms! 3 Goals! Hard to evn Imagine!